Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry at Hope Ames 

Our Women’s Ministry is committed to renewing and restoring the women of Hope through classes, seminars, groups, retreats and special events. Come join a spirited, authentic community of women where women’s needs are met in every stage of life! 

We have several Women’s Ministry groups that meet each week. In addition to weekly groups, we have special events throughout the year. Check out our calendar to find upcoming events!

Women at a charcuterie event

Meeting Times & Locations

Book Study – 9:30 am every other Tuesday at The Link (3329 Lincoln Way)

Women’s Study – 8:15 am Saturdays at Cafe Diem (229 Main St.)

Upcoming Classes & Events

Join the Facebook Group

The Women of Hope Ames Facebook group is a great way to connect with other women in our congregation!