Men’s Ministry

A place where guys are able to laugh, do cool things and have deep conversations.

Welcome to Men of Hope Ames 

Life is busy and it is easy to have our faith take the back burner to family, work, exercise and our sports teams. Yet as followers of Christ, we have been called for more.  

Men of Hope Ames wants to meet you where you are and provide quality, faith-based opportunities to connect with God and other men on a weekly and quarterly basis through small groups, Bible studies and events. 

Men playing bags

Meeting Time & Location Information: 

12:00 pm Tuesday – Lunch Study at The Link (3329 Lincoln Way) 

7:00 pm Tuesdays – Men’s Group at The Link (3329 Lincoln Way)

8:30 am Saturdays – Men’s Group at Stomping Grounds (303 Welch Ave.) 

Upcoming Classes & Events

Get to Know Our Team:

Pete Smith, Church Life Minister

Pete Smith